3rd inno4sd PhD Academy 2019 - call for participants
The 3rd inno4sd PhD & Early Career Academy 2019 will be held in Mexico City (Universidad Iberoamericana), on November 12th. The Academy is part of the educational and capacity building programme of the inno4sd network. Previous versions of the academy were held in Pretoria, South Africa (2017) and Ferrara, Italy (2018).
The objectives of the Academy are:
- Provide a space for knowledge sharing for and learning to young scholars interested in topics related to transformative innovation, sustainable development and circular economy.
- Provide opportunity for PhD candidates & early career researchers to present their work.
- Network opportunity for PhD & early career researchers candidates.
- Opportunity for PhD candidates & early career researchers to submit work to partners in the inno4sd and affiliated networks to review and receive feedback on the work submitted
Who can participate?
The academy is primarily open to PhD students and early career researchers from the fields of science, technology and innovation studies, social and political sciences, economics, finance and management and engineering management. Candidates from other areas are welcomed to apply, as long as they justify how their topic contributes to the field of innovation/ social/ sustainable innovation for the SDGs.
Benefits for participants
- 1. Being included in the inno4sd and affiliated networks (individuals and institutions).
- 2. Receiving feedbacks from leading experts and scholars.
- 3. Finding chances to interact for future positions, projects and business.
- 4. To contribute wih original research to the knowledge repository “Knowledge and Innovation for SDGS – KI4SDGs”, available at the inno4sd website.
How to participate?
Participants are required to submit a short project description and a power point presentation no later than the November 1st, 2019 to academy@inno4sd.net
Project descriptions should include the following:
- 2 pages long abstract with rationale;
- Research methods (e.g. case studies);
- Policy or business-relevance;
- Further research and main references
- knowledge transfer potential should be highlighted as a prominent feature of the research work.
- Indication on how the (on-going) research contributes to the/a particular SDGs and a clear indication as to which goal and target it refers to.
The academy will be in English.