28November 2024
29November 2024
Event Type:
Ecoinnovation Society event
Campus HEC Paris: 1 rue de la Libération 78350 Jouy-en-Josas France

Eco-innovation Society - Second Bi-annual Workshop 2024 @ HEC Paris

The Society for Eco-innovation Studies organises its second (bi-annual) workshop on 28 and 29 of November 2024 at the HEC Paris campus in Jouy-en Josas (France). 

The main topic of the conference is about "Eco-innovation for decarbonization and circularity: aligning business and policy with planetary boundaries". This 2-days event is hosted by the S&O Climate and Earth Centre (Sustainability and Organisations Institute), with the financial support of the HEC Foundation. The event has the support of the University of Ferrara (SEEDS Inter-University Research Centre), the Ecosister project, and the University of Alcala (INNOGREEN Research Group).

The call for papers is available in the following link: (click here to open). In addition to the general paper submissions, the event features three special tracks:

  • Open eco-innovation (click here for track description)
  • Eco-innovation diffusion for net zero industry, with a focus on carbon capture and storage (CCUS), direct air capture (DAC), green hydrogen, and clean gas (track description here).
  • Eco-innovation and circularity in cooperatives and social enterprises (track description here)

The event features keynotes from the European Commission (confirmed) and UN Environment (tbc). It includes presentations of papers where the topic of eco-innovation is the central element of scholarly enquiry (included in title, keywords and abstract). 

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission:              October 21, 2024 (Submissions due date)
  • Notification of acceptance:    October 28, 2024 (Participants are notified of acceptance)
  • Registration Deadline:            November 4, 2024 (Registration form closing date)
  • Event dates:                      November 28-29, 2024 

The event will be organised as a hybrid event and participation is free of charge. However, registration is required and confirmation's approval is mandatory for on-site participation at the event. 

The society and the organising committe are unable to provide financial support for travel and accommodation of participants.

Different accommodation options are available at the HEC Campus (see here). The HEC Campus is located in the town of Jouy-en-Josas (about 20 km outside Paris). Although public transport is available to arrive to campus, it can take over an hour of commuting time (see here travel information). Participants are thus strongly encouraged to stay on Campus (or nearby). 

Please note the special rates of the rooms are yet to be confirmed and that each participant is responsible of his/her own booking arrangements.

For more information: ecoinnovation (at) inno4sd.net

A full programme will be available in due time. 


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