inno4sd and UNIFE to host the 10th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production
The Innovation for Sustainable Development Network and its founding member SEEDS are proud to co-organise the 10th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production (IWACP), hosted online and free of charge by the University of Ferrara in collaboraton with Paulista University, on 11th and 12th November 2021.
The Advances of Cleaner Production Network, the University of Ferrara, Paulista University and the Innovation for Sustainable Development Network - support and organize the 10th IWACP under the theme: “A Resilient and Sustainable World: Contributions to Cleaner Production, Circular Economy and Eco Innovation”.
The 10th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production is a multi/interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of information and research results on technologies, concepts and policies based on Cleaner Production and conceived to assist the desired transition to a sustainable society.

The event will be totally ONLINE, OPEN ACCESS and FREE-OF-CHARGE.
The 10th IWACP also features a special version of the inno4sd academy and the Advances of Cleaner Production School on 9th and 10th November, 2021. A PhD simposium is co-hosted by the the PhD programmes “Environmental Sustainability and Wellbeing”
(ESW, University of Ferrara, Italy); “Sustainability in Production
Systems” (Graduation Program on Production Engineering, Paulista
University, Brazil); “Ecological Environment Protection and Management”
(School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, China). The event is open to PhD students and early career researchers from all areas of knowledge. The only requirement is that the candidates’ research topics must be related to the main topic of the symposium and 10th IWACP.

During this event, an announcement will be made of the launch of the Ecoinnovation Society. The Society aims to respond to the need to create a hub for the academic, scientificand practitioner community specialised in the topic of eco-innovation (also known as environmental innovation, sustainable innovation, ecological innovation, among other terms). During this announcement the Society's interim board will open a dialogue to contribute to the research agenda and scientific outputs, at the time it presents the objectives, general guidelines and foreseen membership options. More information available from ecoinnovation (at)
Fernando J. Diaz Lopez (Innovation for Sustainable Development Network -, France; SEEDS, Italy & Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Massimiliano Mazzanti (University of Ferrara, SEEDS, Italy)
General Chair and Founder of ACPN
Biagio F. Giannetti (Paulista University-UNIP, Brazil)
More information:
For the 10th IWACP's important dates, registration and paper submission visit the following website:
The PhD symposium is by invitation only. More information available at: