Category 18 April 2019

LUPIS - Variety of tools

A variety of tools were applied in order to assess the impacts of policy measures on sustainable development in several developing countries in the frame of LUPIS. These tools are described below.

 DPSIR (Driver, Pressure, State, Impact, Response): this framework aims to describe causal relationships. This tool is used during the first phase of the assessment process. It deals with trade-offs that occur between the three dimensions of sustainable development: i.e. economic, environmental and social dimensions. In many case studies, economic development is balanced against environment and social equity.FoPIA (Framework of Participatory Impact Assessment) is a tool that aims to assess alternative land use scenarios. These scenarios are based on the realm of stakeholders.FSSIM (Farming Systems SIMulator) is a generic bio-economic farm model. This tool aims to assess the impact of policy measures at farm level. It focuses on optimizing a farm’s total gross margin with regard to resources and policy constraints.CropSyst (Crop Systems Simulator) is used to address agro-ecological interplay. It is a bio-physical model that can be used in association with the Farming systems simulator.TechnoGIN  (Technical Coefficient Generator) is a tool that calculates a number of technical coefficients such as yields, fertiliser requirement, nutrient losses, biocide use index, water requirement, labour use or costs per input. This tool was particularly useful within the application case in China.CGE (Computable General Equilibrium) is a modelling tool that is used at a regional level to assess the impacts of exogenous shocks and policy changes transmitted through different markets.IMPACT (International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade) is a model dedicated to examine the links between food production and consumption and food security at a national level. This tool was developed by IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute).MCA  (Multi-criteria Analysis) is applied for evaluating different policy options. It displays the contribution of every criterion to the alternatives, based on the weights given to Land Use Functions (LUFs).CORMAS (Common-pool Resources and Multi-Agent Systems) is a multi-agent simulation platform designed for managing renewable resources. This tool was used in the case study in Mali.IDRISI gathers an information and observation system (geographic information system or GIS) and a remote sensing software in order to analyse and display digital geospatial information.LUSMAPA (Land Use Simulator Mato-GRosso Para) was specially designed for the case study in Brazil. It is a tailor made land use simulation model through which the effectiveness of conservation policies can be simulated.

LUPIS Final Report.