University of Ferrara (UNIFE)


Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Mazzanti:

The University of Ferrara, founded in 1391, is one of the oldest in Italy.

Departments: Architecture; Biochemistry and molecular biology; Biology and evolution; Chemistry; Medico-surgical disciplines of communication and behaviour; Economics, institutions, land; Physics; Engineering; Mathematics; Clinical and experimental medicine; Experimental and diagnostic medicine; Morphology and embryology; Biomedical science and advanced therapies; Surgical, anaesthetic and radiological sciences; Earth Sciences; Pharmaceutical sciences, Law Sciences; Historical sciences; Human sciences.

The research activity, both national and international, is a priority of the University of Ferrara, which collaborates in large international projects and has helped in instituting 18 academic spin-offs from 2000 onward, operating in the following industries: Pre-clinical/Clinical and Pharmaceutical research, Biotech, Biology, Genetics, Chemical, Cosmetics, Electronics, Electrochemical, Photovoltaic, Civil engineering, Geology, Environment, Acoustics and Vibrations, Aerospace and Nuclear Physics.