CLEANTECH FINLAND® seeks to drive the Finnish cleantech market. The vibrant network of the world’s cleantech elite offers and develops solutions for environmental and energy-efficiency issues. It gathers the top cleantech experts and companies together, who can then choose to form apartnership or invest in other companies. By doing so, CLEANTECH FINLAND® is providing support to a sustainable global economy. [1]

The challenge
Some of the world’s greatest problems are related to the environment and these challenges have to be faced by the modern economy. Consequently, joining forces is necessary for the purpose of promoting sustainable practices and providing support to the innovation competences of firms. By combining activities such as the acquisition of venture capital for development, demonstration and commercial exploitation or setting up a public-private partnership. CLEANTECH FINLAND® works to identify large-scale business opportunities in key cleantech markets. It also provides support to business in these areas. [2] Additionally, there is a constant need to set an agenda and keep cleantech topics in the public arena.[3]
The network
Cleantech is one of the strongest growing businesses in Finland. CLEANTECH FINLAND® is a network of top cleantech companies and experts with the aim of comprehensively promoting the sector in Finland.[4] It is a huge partner network which allows for the efficient dissemination of information, solutions and expertise to companies and public-sector organisations.[5][6] Members of the network (industry, SMEs, professional associations) are actively enhancing the cooperation to improve further performance standards and sustainability criteria in the cleantech area.[7] CLEANTECH FINLAND® is active in disseminating success stories as well as connecting potential investors and partners with the best cleantech experts in the market by providing high quality networking opportunities for its members.
The benefits
As a member of CLEANTECH FINLAND®, a company is in an ideal position to influence the development of the global cleantech market.[8] With regional clusters active in the network, setting up synergies becomes possible, resulting in the world’s largest online cleantech community, which is the status CLEANTECH FINLAND® has achieved today. More than 20,000 cleantech mentors and decision makers share the networks’ news.[9]
Cleantec Finland further assists its members in the Cleantech industry by providing key decision makers with the relevant information and training. Members can benefit from the well-stocked database of best practice case studies and from the annual member survey. Both of these activities speed up knowledge transfer.
Further deployment
The concept of CLEANTECH FINLAND® is ready for deployment to other areas, qualifying it for an estimated level 9 on the generic maturity scale GML.[10] One promising feature is Cleantech Thursday, which is a networking event that brings up to 100 cleantech members, potential customers, partners and important decision makers together under one roof.[11] The activities of CLEANTECH FINLAND® are financed by a membership fee, which depends on the type of stakeholder and allows for participation in many training measures.[12] One of CLEANTECH FINLAND®’s key objectives is to pave the way for its member companies by carrying out effective communication, education and establishing a way forward, thus accelerating the pace for decreasing our carbon footprint.