European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE)
As part of the European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EuroACE), leading companies in the sector join forces to work together with various European institutions and policy makers, to help Europe move towards the more efficient use of energy in buildings.[1]

The challenge
Achieving energy efficiency is one of the biggest challenges we face today. Buildings, i.e. the construction sector, consume more energy than any other share of the economy. The potential for saving energy in buildings, such as via heating systems or better insulation, is significant.[2] Hence, economic growth can be triggered by implementing eco-innovative performance standards, and introducing energy saving materials, and technologies which are consistent with sustainability criteria. Promoting sustainable practices requires working collaboratively together, developing an approach that drives better understanding, standardisation, and informed decision making, combining activities and providing support.
The network
EuroACE was formed in 1998 by Europe's leading companies involved in the manufacture, distribution and installation of a variety of energy saving goods and services. The EuroACE member companies employ in total almost 200,000 people[3] and thus contribute to the EU's commitments on carbon emissions reductions, job creation and energy security.[4] The Plenary of member companies is the principle decision making body, coordinated by the Board of Directors and supported by the EuroACE Secretariat (based in Belgium). Specific working groups deliver detailed work on advocacy, communications and policy development, targeted at industry, professional associations, and policy makers.[5] The Alliance elaborates what is needed to stimulate the market for better performing buildings, thus also facilitating support to the innovation competences of firms.
The benefits
Being a member of EuroACE means being involved in a leading cross-sectoral association, which provides the opportunity to promote energy efficiency in buildings and support campaigns such as renovate Europe.[6] Members have access to data on EU building stock [7] , the energy performance of buildings, as well as tothe latest research relating to the energy efficiency of buildings, and energy efficiency policy. Access to this data allows firms to become more competitive.[8] In order to further increase its impact, the alliance maintains active networking with its strategic partners in sustainable construction.[9] Aiming to substantially improve the energy efficiency of Europe’s buildings, EuroACE supports raising awareness, building information management, developing education tools and standardisation. Also, the alliance encourages political discussion on the topic, and promotes the interests of the companies in this sector.[10]
Further deployment
The EuroACE concept is validated at full-scale, qualifying it for an estimated level 7 on the generic maturity scale GML.[11] The EuroACE activities are financed by a membership fee. Using existing energy saving materials and technologies which are readily available and investing well in energy efficiency is a win-win solution, therefore disseminating knowledge is of major importance.[12] EuroACE initiated the Renovate Europe campaign, helping to shape the future of renovation markets.[13] The campaign supports the uptake of energy-efficiency products in the construction sector, largely via specific legislative measures, thereby contributing to the EU's commitments on carbon emission reductions, job creation and energy security.[14]