FORWAST - prodcom
Prodcom is the title for the EU production statistics with regard to mining, quarrying and manufacturing. It is a survey that aims at collecting statistics concerning the amount of production of European enterprises.
Although achieving an exhaustive overview of all products is unrealistic, the regulation specifies that enterprises with more than 20 employees should be surveyed. Every reporting country must record at least 90 % of the value volume of production which is carried out by its enterprises (regardless of their nature) on its territory. In order to achieve this survey, principal enterprises, contract processors and enterprises working under any other arrangement should be included, whereas production which is carried out in other countries must not be taken into account.
As far as the type of production is concerned, two different concepts are used in the survey:
(i) the production dealing with products sold during the survey period, and
(ii) the total production, that is, the actual production occurring during the survey period (i.e. products that are processed into other products such as re-manufacturing processes, products that are fitted into other products and products that are put into stock).
The established list is divided into several classes. Within these individual classes, the headings of the list are set out in ascending order of their codes (see below) and grouped according to the CPA (EU Classification of Products by activity) headings.
Each code is identified by an eight-digit code: XX.XX.YY.ZZ. The first four digits of the code (i.e. XX.XX) correspond to the classes as defined in NACE 2, which is the second revision of the European industrial activity classification. The first six digits (i.e. XX.XX.YY) are linked to the CPA code, and the last two digits (i.e. ZZ) represent the classification of a heading within this CPA heading.
For example, rigid tubes, pipes and hose of ethylene polymers are identified as follows:
22.21 corresponds to the NACE code of the manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles.
22.21.21 corresponds to the CPA code of artificial guts, of hardened proteins or of cellulosic materials; tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of plastics corresponds to the rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of polymers ethylene
Source: PRODCOM. List 2012. Draft V5. January 2012.