Generic Maturity Levels
The Generic Maturity Level scale is a metric describing the maturity of a concept. This scale, developed by Innovationseeds, provides a maturity model parallel to the TRL and allowing to allocate a maturity level to the largest possible variety of mechanisms or instruments, including, but not limited to: business models, organisation changes, policy measures, social, civil, institutional or corporate good practices.
These levels are detailed below.
Results from the local experimentation of the concept are empirically validated and they open the way to a full-scale implementation of the concept. GML 7 - Concept is validated at full-scale
The full scale implementation of the concept has been assessed and evaluated positive. Real cost/benefit analysis is performed GML 8 - Concept deployment is experimentedThe concept is experimented in another area to assess its potential for deployment. Examples include experiments of transfer in other activity sectors or other geographical zones. GML 9 - Concept is ready for deploymentThe potential for deployment of the concept to other areas has been successfully demonstrated. The concept is ready for deployment to other areas. GML BEYOND 9 Concept is deployedThe concept is fully introduced in other areas. Examples include deployment to other activity sectors or geographical zones.