About our Footprint
About the origins of inno4sd
The inno4sd was created in the year 2015 as part of the work programme of the H2020 Green.eu project.
The work programme of the H2020 Green.eu project was designed to identify and consolidate the global knowledge around eco-innovation, green economy and sustainable development. While having a European focus, it was designed to create a global network and an online platform for the integration and sharing of knowledge around eco-innovation, green economy strategies and circularity policies into sustainable development actions, worldwide.
inno4sd has been initiated by a number of senior scholars and practitioners working at leading European institutions at the forefront of policy-oriented research in the area eco-innovation, circular and green economy.

About our impact.
Our activities aim at having a global, regional, local and/or thematic impact. We are interested in disseminating knowledge and promoting actions and change through innovation and entrepreneurship. We aim at creating an impact in support to for a green an inclusive circular economy and to achieve climate neutrality. In particular, our activities support:
- the European Green Deal and the Strategy for Climate Neutrality by 2050,
- the 2030 agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals,
- the Paris Agreement of Climate Change,
- the
Aichi targets of Biodiversity and the post 2020 agenda,
- the Kyoto Protocol.
- The Edmonton Declaration for city-led innovation in support to climate action, and,
- other sustainability-related global agreements where innovative solutions are greatly needed.
About our leadership and governance.
The inno4sd steering board oversees the
activities and decision making of the inno4sd network. It is composed of senior staff of inno4sd founding partner organisations. Profiles of the
steering members, non-executive staff and volunteers are included in the section 'TEAMS'.
During the period March 2015 to January 2029 inno4sd was coordinated by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO.
About our members
inno4sd is a multi-stakeholder network,
think-thank and policy platform.
Our network members are individuals and entities from many different spheres of workaround innovation policy, scholarly and practice. It includes individual and institutional members in academia, science, research, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship,
business support, civil society / not-for-profit. private, local/
regional/ national governments, parliaments, aid, and multilateral entities.
Follow this link for an overview of our partners and members.
About our strategic plan and knowldege agenda.
The inno4sd Steering Board is currently working on the development of a strategic programme and knowledge agenda for the period 2022-2025. A prospectus with a description of our past results, current activities and future plans is available from the following LINK.
A brochure with a description of our activities in the period 2015-2019 can be obtained from the following LINK.About our own sustainability profile.
At inno4sd we have adopted strict guidelines to reduce our own environmental, water and carbon footprints. This is applicable to our
services, operations, infrastructure, events, suppliers and travel. We
also adhere to all relevant sustainability, equality an human right
international conventions.
The inno4sd website is hosted by a energy efficient cloud hosting service. Our website is hosted by Iomart’sdata centre with ISO
14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2011 certification, based in London UK
(Certifications can be obtained in the following Link)
Thanks to the initial funding of the European Commission H2020 grant, our web developer and provider Darkpony (https://www.darkpony.com/homep...) has guaranteed a continuous hosting of the inno4sd website until the year 2028.