12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
Innovation has a positive role in identifying solutions to behavioural, economic and technological challenges to achieve sustainable consumption, production and distribution systems.
For instance, in the area of sustainable production there are a number of methods and appraoches that incorporate eco-innovation and innovation ecosystems thinking. Sustainable consumption has, for many years, adoption a systemic approach to innovation when looking at the effect of sustainable solutions to address behavioural change.
In this module you find examples of reports, cases, videos and other
materials that illustrate the contribution of innovation for SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production. Click on the relevant section
to find out more.
The i4SDG knowledge repository is a tool open for everybody. You can contribute with materials (specialised or general publications, videos, tools and case studies). Please contact sdgs@inno4sd.net for further information about eligibility and information required, prior to submission.
Maastricht Manual on Measuring Eco-innovation for a Green Economy (2020)
Mainstreaming Eco-innovation in Sustainable Consumption and Production policies
Mainstreaming Eco-innovation in Sustainable Consumption and Production policies
Publication Date: 03 March 2020The objective of this publication is to provide practical guidance for policymakers and service providers to create a policy context that is conducive to eco-innovation, thus enabling systemic changes in production and consumption patterns.
This publication reflects the results of a three-year effort within the context of the Resource Efficiency and Eco-innovation in Developing and Transition Economies project, funded by the European Commission and presents a broad range of examples across industry sectors, environmental aspects and geographical areas. Inno4sd experts were part of the team of this project and contributed with inputs to this document.
Eco-Innovation for Sustainablity: Examples from the Agro-Food Sector
"The EcoVillage Of The Future" Smart. Healthy. Green.
Antologi by Afifa Urfani: Responsible Production and Consumption
Open Factory by Tatonka: Fair and Socially Responsible Production
Panel on Responsible and Sustainable Food Production
GYVC 2018 | Sueyfer, Belgium "Responsible Travellers" | Responsible production & consumption