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The Innovation for Sustainable Development Network is honoured to announce its partnership with the Advances of Cleaner Production network to co-host the 10th IWACP, through its founding member the University of Ferrara / SEEDS, on November 11-12th 2021.
The 10th IWACP will be totally ONLINE, OPEN ACCESS and FREE-OF-CHARGE.
Inno4sd, SEEDS and ESDES Lyon Business School Catholic University of Lyon invite you join the track session 'Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world' - Event is fully online now!
Join the 13th web edition 'Social Responsibility' international Congress hosted by @FRS_Anahuac in collaboration with the #EcoinnovationNetwork of the Commission of Environmental Cooperation (CEC).
Date: 3-4 September 2020 (9 am local time; 16h CET)
As part of the LCIC 2020 Conference, inno4sd delivers this workshop about tailored life cycle tools and a holistic approach to implement eco-innovation in organisations.
Date: 26 August, 1515h (CET time)
The 2nd Life Cycle Innovation Conference (LCIC 2020) is a truly unique conference that provides a highly interactive space to think sustainability and innovation together, not apart! Experience three days full of inspiring people, insightful talks and interactive discussions around life cycle innovation!
NEW DATE: August 26-28
The Innovation for Sustainable Development Network will hold its fifth annual symposium in Mexico City (Campus Santa Fe, Universidad IberoAmericana), on November 12-15th, 2019.
The topic is 'Social innovation and Financing for the SDGs' - it will focus on the role of social and green innovation and impact financing for a circular economy and a transformation to healthy and sustainable agro-food systems.